Villari’s Self Defense Centres
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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What clients often ask us.

“It’s bad for one to fight with another, but it’s worse to fight and lose.” ~ Master Fred Villari
Self-defense is not fighting. Self defense is resolving a difficult situation without getting hurt. You can be attacked physically and psychologically, and sometimes, you will have to fight and defend yourself with physical strength and skill, as well as mental focus and resilience.
Because our main focus is self-defense, we satisfy the basic need of security. When the individual is competent about defense and safety, confidence will grow. The stigma of competition is that only the strong and aggressive survive. However, children need self-development before they should be subjected to an aggressive environment. Competition is not the core of our practice, because while it is healthy in its regard, for confidence to develop and grow strong roots, we focus more on the individual's personal growth and goals to help them be THEIR best, not THE best.
Yes! Villari's is a non-competitive activity. Our goals are to create a individualistic development. "They compete against who they were, to be the best they will be." In fact, martial arts is often a “home” for kids who don't excel at team sports, but will develop cooperation and team-building skills. Kids who have trouble in baseball, basketball, etc. often turn to martial arts and they do extremely well. And it's okay if your child is not athletic right now. our programs are designed to enhance athleticism and focus.
99% of schools use the "watch and do as I do", which leaves the students frustrated. Most instructors have the skill and ability to demonstrate, but not necessarily conveying concisely the finer details needed to fully understand. Learning is a two-way street. Our job is to fully engage and connect, and our student's are encouraged to ask for deeper clarification and understanding through questions and practical application. This approach leads to a more enjoyable and valuable experience. Kids have a blast here. We have our moments of intense concentration and focus... but we always balance things out with fun and games to keep everything alive and light.
We have classes for kids as young as 4. Martial arts is the kind of thing that grows with you. As kids get older, they learn new techniques, perfect old ones, and advance.

No, at all! Martial arts is about peace, harmony, and diplomacy. Children learn how to AVOID fights - not pick them. Anger clouds judgement and ability. Martial Arts is a discipline. The two cannot exist in the same space.
With competence, you have the confidence, to stay composed and focused in potentially dangerous situations. A calm mind makes sounder decisions.

Like any sport, injury is unavoidable. It is part and parcel of the learning curve and the journey to improve yourself. We know the potential for injury is severe, and safety is the key component to our training system. In any case, prevention is our Number One priority. We work hard to prevent injury.
Statistically, there are more known injuries in mainstream sports such hockey, basketball, and soccer. Regardless, we keep a keen eye on the safety and well-being of ALL our students.